Sustainability theme


Being a sustainable investor

Sustainable investing allows you to invest in companies that are striving to have a positive impact on the world. From tackling climate change to implementing ESG frameworks the pathway to using sustainable investing can have real value and benefit, not just on returns but for wider society.

Discover how adopting a sustainable investing approach can reduce risk, increase the resilience of investments as well as delivering on long-term growth.



Applying ESG in consumer stocks

FROM THE ESG LEARNING PLAN, MODULE 3.2: Andrea Perales Padrón, an ESG Analyst at Aviva Investors, discusses why adopting an ESG integrated to consumer stock analysis is a core strategy to success.



ESG analysis for fixed income assets

FROM THE ESG LEARNING PLAN, MODULE 3.3: Claudia Gollmeier, Managing Director, Senior Investment Officer at Colchester Global Investors, compares ESG integration of fixed income and equities with a view to reducing risk.



ESG scorecards in credit analysis

FROM THE ESG LEARNING PLAN, MODULE 3.4: Nick Kordowski, CFA, Head of Non-Financial Research, Fixed Income at Aberdeen Standard Investments, outlines why an ESG scorecard assists in transparency and helps demonstrate impact.



Fusion is coming - are you ready for it?

Nuclear fusion is the future – and it’s coming closer. Here, physicists Nick Walkden and Melanie Windridge explain fusion’s limitless potential.

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